Some Thoughts

Our overall experience in Bhutan was great adventure. Bhutan is steeped in Buddhist culture and is a land of humble people who show great reverence for their visitors and for their king. The land is at times quite beautiful lying in the lower Himalayas and, because of our mountain trekking adventure on the Trans Bhutan... Continue Reading →

Getting Home: Day 2

The 15 hour flight was long (no kidding). The American Airlines bed seats were actually a bit more comfortable than Delta but it was still difficult to rest really well. There were issues with the entertainment screens which was unfortunate on such a long flight but we made it through. Arrived at JFK airport at... Continue Reading →

Getting Home: Day 1

Joan was up with the sun (around 5:00 a.m.). In two weeks, she never completely got her clock turned around. We packed and caught our ride to the airport just after 7:00. It was a short ride to the airport where we said goodbye to Lhab and Namgay. We hung out in the small, basic... Continue Reading →

Last Day: The Tiger’s Nest

After a quick breakfast we met our guide and driver and headed out. Today we would hike up to the biggest tourist attraction in Bhutan, The Tiger’s Nest. It’s a monastery situated on a steep mountain cliff. The hike up and back is about six kilometers round trip with just under 2,000 feet of elevation... Continue Reading →

Dochula to Thimphu to Paro

A lazy morning in our quiet, warm and dry bungalow overlooking the Himalayas. After our breakfast (including French fries…?) we packed our things and headed out. Our first stop was the Druk Wangyel Monastery, a temple built on top of the pass by the current King about 20 years ago. It was incredibly ornate and... Continue Reading →

Trans Bhutan Trail: Day 11

It may have been the coldest camping night yet, but it also may have been our best sleep as the rushing river sound was quite peaceful. We got ourselves organized and packed and then had a quick breakfast before hitting the trail around 7:15 a.m. The path would take us along the river for a... Continue Reading →

Trans Bhutan Trail: Day 10

It was a long night and an early morning. During the night, local dogs barked almost non-stop. No, really. Not an exaggeration. When we emerged from our tent, dogs were laying around nearby sleeping. Guess they wore themselves out. After a decent breakfast (yay pancakes and peanut butter!) we headed out just after 8:00. Our... Continue Reading →

Trans Bhutan Trail: Day 9

We were camping overnight yet we were awakened by the sound of our camp staff cell phone notifications and their chatter at 5:30 a.m. We survived the night okay but everything felt cold and wet. We waited around until breakfast at 7:30 then packed up and headed out. We started climbing immediately and spent the... Continue Reading →

Trans Bhutan Trail: Day 8

We awoke early like every other day, organized ourselves and went to breakfast. Nothing special just eggs, toast, fruit and a spot of coffee. We got our ride at 8:00 and headed back to the trail. Our walk began crossing Bhutan’s longest suspension bridge over the river. From there we passed through rice fields before... Continue Reading →

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